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Questions ask when purchasing an extension cord in the Philippines

Need an extension cord but it’s your first time to purchase one?

Oftentimes, when we go to a hardware store, it’s difficult for us to choose the right extension cord for our needs. There are so many choices, how do you know which extension cord is best for you?

Because of this, we usually end up choosing:

  • The first one we find
  • The cheapest one
  • The one with the prettiest package, or
  • The one recommended to us by the salesperson.

However, it’s important to note that using the wrong cord, at best, could mean you have to purchase another extension cord. But, at worst, it could result in damage to your equipment or even create a serious safety hazard for your home and office.

Not all extension cords are created equal. That’s why, we created this definitive guide to help you choose the best extension cord for your needs

Considerations when purchasing extension cords: plugged in appliance, rated capacity in watts/amps, cord length, safety features

Question 1: What appliances will you plug into the extension cord?

Asking this question first will help you decide two things:

  • How many extension cord outlets do you need?
  • What type of outlet plug do you need on your extension cord?
How many outlets do you need?

Are you purchasing an extension cord to extend the reach of the outlet, or to increase the number of usable outlets?

Depending on your purpose, the number of outlets you need on your extension cord will vary. Just keep in mind – the more outlets, the more expensive the extension cord will be

Panther extension cords with 2 outlets vs 3 outlets vs 4 outlets vs 6 outlets

What type of outlet do you need?

When you look at the extension cord options on display, you’ll notice that most of them will have outlets with either two or three-prongs. Read this article for a more detailed understanding of the different socket outlets used in the Philippines

But if you must know one thing, it’s this: two-prong holes aren’t grounded while three-prong plugs are.

Having a grounding pin significantly reduces the risk of electrocution and/or fire by routing electricity from the hot wire directly into the ground, rather than your hand or other parts of your body. So, even if a device malfunctions or a wire comes loose, you’re safe

In line with this, Panther extension cords come in different outlet configurations (parallel, parallel w/ ground, two-way outlet, two-way outlet w/ ground, and universal outlet). This allows you to choose the one that will best suit your needs

Outlet types common in the Philippines: Parallel outlet, Parallel outlet with ground, Two way outlet, Two way outlet with ground, Universal outlet

WARNING: We highly discourage removal or tampering of the grounded pin just to make it fit into a two-prong outlet. If your appliance has a three-prong plug, we suggest you purchase an equivalent three-prong extension cord/ outlet instead. Likewise, wiring receptacles in old housing units may be ungrounded. If this is the case, simply purchasing an extension cord with a grounding pin will not automatically provide grounding protection as your housing infrastructure cannot support it


Question 2: What’s the wattage requirement of your plugged-in appliances?

Extension cords are designed to handle a certain amount of wattage (unit measurement for power consumption), also known as its maximum capacity.

How can you calculate the wattage requirement of your appliances?

Each appliance you plug in has its own power requirement. The appliance’s power requirement is usually listed on the device itself or can be found in its technical manual.

If you are going to use the extension cord for two or more appliances at the same time, you need to get the sum total of the peak wattage rating for all appliances. Make sure this sum total does NOT exceed the extension cord’s maximum capacity.

For step-by-step instructions on how to calculate for this, check out this detailed link.

What happens if your plugged-in appliances exceed the extension cord capacity?

Plugging in appliances whose power requirement EXCEEDS the maximum capacity of the extension cord would result in the following:

  • Extension cord will stop working (either burnt out, or circuit breaker will be tripped)
  • Appliances could be damaged, depending on the severity of the overload

Scary right? That’s why, always double check the maximum capacity of an extension cord.

Dangerous burnt plastic extension cord caused by overloading

How can you check what’s the extension cord’s maximum capacity?

Don’t just look at what’s written on the packaging, but make sure to double check the actual wire gauge used by the extension cord. The wire gauge, also known as American Wire Gauge (AWG), refers to the size of the copper wire that delivers power inside your extension cord.

A lower gauge number indicates a thicker wire and therefore greater capacity to deliver power, whereas a higher gauge number indicates a thinner wire and lower capacity for power delivery. In summary, lower AWG is better

The following are the most common wire gauge sizes in the Philippines, and their equivalent maximum capacity. The maximum capacity is indicated in Watts, roughly calculated based on ~220V AC.

Wire gauge size Maximum capacity Possible use
#22 1200 Watts Christmas lights
#18 1800 Watts Portable fans, lamps, television, laptops
#16 2500 Watts 1HP Aircon, Home Theater, Hair Dryer, Treadmill, Water Heater

NOTE: Using an inappropriate wire gauge size could result in the appliances drawing in more current than the wires can safely handle. This could heat up the wires to the point of melting the wire insulation and igniting surrounding materials. When in doubt, go for the lower gauge number for safety purposes.

Panther extension cords available in the market all use a #16 wire gauge rating. This wire rating can handle a maximum capacity of 2500 watts, and is suitable for both household and commercial use.

In case you require a lower gauge rating, please message us directly with your requirements so we can customize the extension cord based on your specific needs


Question #3: How far away are the appliances you want to use in relation to your power outlet?

Answering this question will determine the appropriate cord length for your extension cord. After all, it would really suck if you purchase an extension cord then realize that it can’t reach all the way to your appliance!

Because of this, Panther extension cords come in three cord lengths: 1.75 meters, 3 meters, and 5 meters. Furthermore, to ensure maximum protection for your extension cord and appliances, all Panther extension cords have double insulation.

In case you require longer cord length, you can message us directly so we can customize the extension cord based on your requirements

NOTE: Voltage is lost across distance, so if you’re planning to plug in a device with high current requirements, shorter cords would be best. When in doubt, go for the shorter cord, or message us to get advice


Question #4: What safety features do you need?

If you’re already purchasing an extension cord, you might as well choose one with protective features that can provide maximum protection for you and your family. Panther extension cords have the following features:

  • PS Mark
  • Overload / Short Circuit Protection
  • Voltage Surge Protection
  • Line/Noise Interference Protection
  • On/Off Switch to Reduce Power Consumption
PS Mark

This isn’t a safety feature. It is a safety guarantee from the Philippines government that the product you are purchasing has been tested and certified to be of good quality, safety, and reliability. Here at Panther, we are a proud holder of the PS License Q-1474 for all Panther extension cords

Panther extension cords with Philippine Standard (PS) Mark from Bureau of Product Standard


Overload / Short circuit protection

Circuit breakers will trip and prevent the extension cord (as well as the plugged-in appliances) from overloading in case the maximum power capacity has been reached. To reset, simply press the circuit breaker reset or switch on/off the switch breaker


Voltage surge protection

Voltage surge/spikes occur regularly in the Philippines due to power outages or tripped circuit breakers. Panther voltage surge protectors can handle up to a peak current of 6000 Amps for 8/20 microseconds pulse, with reaction time ranging from 5 to 100 nanoseconds


Line/noise interference protection

The electricity we receive is susceptible to outside sources of interference. This results in static, high-voltage spikes or other types of noises within the power that flows into our appliances. As such, Panther voltage surge protectors come with line/noise filters to stabilize the electricity from the power outlets that are flowing into your appliance


On/Off Switch to Reduce Power Consumption

Panther Extension Cords are also equipped with switches. This allows consumers to simply switch on/off the extension cord as needed. Doing so has the benefit of:

  • Reduce the power consumption bill of consumers
  • Minimize the need to plug/unplug the extension cord from the outlet, when not in use

Diagram breakdown of safety features found on a Panther extension cord that benefits customers


Bonus question: Are you using the extension cord indoors or outdoors?

Depending on your use case, you’ll need to choose an appropriate extension cord.

Cords designed for outdoors will have weather-resistant insulation using materials like rubber and PVC, wherein the casing is completely sealed to prevent water from entering the extension cord parts. While outdoor extension cords can be used indoors, you should never use indoor extension cords outside.

As of the moment, all Panther extension cords are best for INDOOR use. If you wish to use it outdoors, make sure it does not come into contact with water

In this article, we have covered the four things to consider when purchasing the BEST extension cords in the Philippines

  • What appliances are you plugging in? Determines number of outlets and outlet plug type needed in your extension cord
  • What’s your wattage requirement? Determines max. extension cord capacity & AWG Wire requirement of your extension cord
  • How far away is the outlet? Determines wire length of the extension cord
  • What safety features do you need? Consider additional features you’d want in your extension cord, e.g., short circuit protection, voltage surge protection, line noise interference protection
  • Bonus question: Will you use the extension cord for indoor or outdoor application?


Choose from the full list of available Panther Extension cords

Whether you’re purchasing an extension cord for home, for office or for your travels, Panther is here to serve your needs. With our metal extension cords, you are guaranteed a lifetime companion for your extension needs.

Features applicable to all:

  • Maximum Capacity: 2500 Watts
  • Outlet orientation: 0° orientation, unless stated otherwise in table below
  • Wire Gauge (for cord): #16
  • Panther Lifetime Service Warranty

Specifications list of available Panther Best Quality Products Extension Cords that are proudly made in the Philippines

Safety Reminder: If your extension cord is showing signs of extreme wear and tear (e.g, nicks, cuts, or bare wire exposed through the outer jacket of the cord), please either discard or have your extension cord repaired.

To avail of the Panther lifetime service warranty, bring the item to the store where you first bought it (no receipt required, but the Panther warranty sticker must not be tampered with). To read up on the exact procedure, check our lifetime service warranty guide here


Still Have Questions?

Reading this article should help you figure out the four questions to ask when purchasing an extension cord:

  • What appliances and how many appliances are you planning to plug into the extension cord? This determines the # of outlets required in your extension cord
  • What is the sum total of the wattage requirements of the devices you’ll plug into the extension cord? This determines the wattage capacity of your extension cord
  • How far away is the outlet from your appliance position? This determines the cord length of your extension cord
  • What safety features do you need? Certain safety features found in Panther extension cords include voltage surge protection, overload protection, line/noise interference protection

If you still have questions, feel free to drop a comment below or email us at

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  1. Raye Ma.Rile

    Hello. What is the difference between PSP-0792 and PSP-1210 who are both 6-gang with grounding, single switch, and both 1.75m wire?

    Similarly, what is the difference between PSP-0394 and PSP-0512, (both 5m wire)?

    • Panther Support

      Good day! These four extension cords are exactly the same, except for:
      (1) Cord length – PSP 0792 and PSP 1210 are both 1.75m cords, while PSP 0394 and PSP 0512 are both 5m cords
      (2) Outlet orientation – PSP 0792 and PSP 0394 outlets follow a 0 degree orientation (facing same direction as the switch), whereas the PSP 1210 and PSP 0512 outlets follow a 90 degree orientation (direction perpendicular to the switch)
      Hope this clarifies!

  2. Kris

    Is the panther extension cord IPS54?

    • Panther Support

      Good day! The Panther Extension Cord is not protected from water splashes. Kindly make sure to not get the extension cord wet. If water is accidentally spilled on the extension cord, please immediately unplug the extension cord from the socket, then completely dry the extension cord before attempting to use again. We hope this helps!

  3. Miguel

    Is a #16 AWG wire safe for refrigerators and aircons?

    I know most refs and ACs don’t usually go higher than 2,500W. However, manufacturers discourage the use of extension cords for refs and ACs for safety issues. Also, considering that the regular house wiring is at 10# AWG, is a #16AWG really safe for ref and ac?


    • Panther Support

      Good day! Thank you for your inquiry.
      #16 AWG wires are compatible and safe so long as the sum total of appliances plugged in does NOT exceed maximum 2500 Watts. This is in line with international standard. Note that house wiring use #10 AWG wires because it needs to be able to reliably and safely sustain all the varied of distribution house appliances that will be plugged into your home outlets.
      Having said that, we are able to accommodate made-to-order requests if you wish for thicker AWG wires for your extension cords. Kindly reach out to us through our contact form with your specific requirements and we can provide a quotation, as well as production lead time:
      Hope this helps!

  4. JM

    Hi. Can Panther extension wires support one chest freezer and one refrigerator at the same time? That is both appliances are plugged into a single extension cord (with multiple outlets)? Thank you.

  5. Michelle

    Thank you. This is very instructional and helpful.

    If you could suggest me, please any best option that will work with my

    * 220v 4000w portable generator
    * 700w desktop
    * generator plug provided were parallel with grounding

    Thank you.

    • panther admin

      Good day Michelle! All PEC and PSP models have a maximum capacity of 2500 watts. As long as the total power rating of all plugged in equipment, including allowance, will not exceed 2500 watts, then any model is fine. We hope it helps.

  6. Lydia vasquez

    I have electric range with 2,300 watts.
    I bought a Panther extension cord 2500 watts
    Is it safe to use extension cord for electric range ?

    • panther admin

      Good day Lydia! Yes. As long as the total power rating of all plugged in equipment, including allowance, will not exceed 2500 watts or 10A, then any model is fine. We hope it helps.


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