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With insects (especially mosquitoes) continuing to be a nuisance and a significant health risk given the possibility of dengue, it’s incredibly important to find safe and effective ways to control them – not just for yourself, but for your household. Traditional solutions, like chemical sprays, can come with health and environmental drawbacks. On the other hand, typical mosquito killers are noisy as every insect killed is accompanied with a zapping sound. That’s where the Panther Intelligent Mosquito Trap (PMT 1124) comes in, offering a safer, chemical-free and noiseless way to keep your environment insect-free and your body bite-free.

How, you may ask? Well, the Panther Intelligent Mosquito Trap uses UV LED lights to attract mosquitoes, then the high-efficiency vacuum fan sucks the unsuspecting flying insects straight into its retainer cage, where the insects will slowly (in ~24-48 hours) die from dehydration. Simple, silent, and hassle free. With the Panther PMT 1124, you’ll be able to enjoy a peaceful, insect-free space!


Take note, the Panther PMT 1124 can attract and capture not just mosquitoes, but all sorts of flying insects such as flies, beetles, wasps, hornets, yellow jackets, and moths.

So let’s get started as we walk you through how to set up and use your Panther Intelligent Mosquito Trap (PMT 1124):


Step 1: Choose the right location

Place your Panther Intelligent Mosquito Trap PMT 1124 in an area where mosquitoes are commonly found, such as near entrances, windows, or breeding spots. As the PMT 1124 attracts insects via UV light, it is important that the mosquito trap is placed in an area where mosquitoes would have a clear line of sight to the light. Avoid placing it below tables or in areas that are very crowded.

Step 2: Plug in the Intelligent Mosquito Trap into the socket

Connect the Type C cable (included in the package) to an AC adapter (to be provided by the user). Then, plug the type C cable into the Intelligent Mosquito Trap’s Type C port. Finally, connect the AC adapter to an active power outlet.

Step 3: Turn on the Intelligent Mosquito Trap

Slide the power switch to the ON position to activate the device. Once it’s on, both the UV LED light and vacuum fan will start working to attract and capture mosquitoes. To turn the trap off, simply slide the switch back to the OFF position.

Note: Always turn off the trap before unplugging the Intelligent Mosquito Trap. Turning off the trap will trigger the activation of the escape prevention mechanism, as partition plates automatically close off to prevent insects from escaping.


Step 4: Let it run

For best results, let the Panther Intelligent Mosquito Trap run continuously to maximize mosquito capture.

Step 5: Clean the retaining cage (on an as needed basis)

To clean the retaining cage, make sure to turn off the Intelligent Mosquito Trap first. Unplug the trap from the power supply. Then, hold the top and bottom of the unit firmly and twist the upper part counterclockwise. Remove the escape-proof mechanism, and shake out the dehydrated remains from the retaining cage. Finally, wipe the retaining cage clean with a damp tissue or place the retaining cage under running water.

Make sure the retaining cage is dry before reassembling the PMT 1124.

Note: Daily cleaning isn’t necessary. Clean only as needed.

Important Reminders:

  • Avoid looking directly at the UV LED light to protect your eyes.
  • Keep out of reach of children as this is an electronic device, not a toy.
  • Only the retaining cage can get wet. All other parts contain electronic components and must not be exposed to water.
  • For repairs, consult the supplier. Only a Panther-certified technician should handle repairs and maintenance, as there are no user-serviceable parts inside.
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