Did you know that power being supplied by your home outlets to your equipment is dirty?
What is dirty power?
Let us provide a brief explanation.
“Dirty power” refers to any abnormality in power quality that’s being delivered within the power supply system. When the power delivered to the equipment does not match what is expected, this can cause equipment malfunction or failure. These abnormalities could refer to many things , but for the purposes of today’s discussion, we’ll be focusing on “dirty power” caused by electromagnetic interference.
All electronic devices emit an electromagnetic field as a consequence of their normal day-to-day functioning. These can create interference and become incidental electromagnetic signals in the power supply.
Now, this wasn’t an issue in the past, when most households and industrial areas had few electronic devices in the surrounding environment. Back then, you only had to worry about this if you lived near TV or radio stations.
Today, however, everywhere you look, electrical devices abound. In your kitchen and living room alone, you have a dozen devices, whether that’s your computer, kitchen appliance, power tools, or even wifi routers, that all emit electromagnetic interference to varying degrees. All of these machines can and do create electromagnetic interference.
What happens if “dirty” power is supplied to your appliances?
Now you might ask yourself, does “dirty” power really affect my appliances?
Imagine you’re eating dirty or contaminated food. The food might look the same to you visually, so you think everything’s fine. But after eating it, you may start experiencing diarrhea or stomach cramps.
The same applies here.
You won’t notice any external effect to your devices. It won’t suddenly explode or start smoking.
But internally, it’s a different story. Exposure to these electromagnetic interference could degrade the circuitry of your sensitive equipment, such as gaming computers, digital TV, IOT devices, medical equipment and the like; which could then result in data processing component errors. A concrete example: electromagnetic interference could be the reason behind improper readouts and glitches you’ve experienced with your computer.
So what can we do about this? That’s where the line filter comes in.
What does a line filter do?
A line filter is inserted between a power line and a receiver, transmitter, or other unit of electric equipment to prevent the passage of noise signal that is entering your devices or appliances.
In layman’s terms, a line filter will eliminate or filter out incidental high frequency electromagnetic signals, thus allowing only the clean power to be supplied to your equipment.
How can I provide line noise filter protection to my appliance?
That’s where Panther’s Extension Cords with voltage surge and line noise filter protection comes in, also known as the PSP series. With its line filter protection capabilities, the Panther PSP can filter out the unwanted high frequency electromagnetic signals, and ensure only clean power from the wall outlet enters your device!
Aside from that, it also provides voltage surge protection to your device, to ensure high voltage surges will not damage your equipment. Instead, these voltage surges will be shunted to prevent it from reaching your electronics in the first place.
This article discussed:
- What is dirty power?
- What happens if “dirty” power is supplied to your appliances?
- What does a line filter do?
- How can I provide line noise filter protection to my appliance?
We hope this article gave you a better understanding on why your equipment needs line filter protection.
Interested to purchase? Check out our Panther Voltage Surge Protector with Line Noise Filter Protection series.